Blog Category:

Upskill / Reskill

LangChain and Google Gemini API for AI Apps: A Quickstart Guide

Andela community member Oladimeji Sowole explains how, with these advanced LLM and AI technologies you can generate text, analyze images and implement multimodal AI interactions.

How to Handle Platform-Specific Dependencies in Kotlin Multiplatform

Andela community member Mofe Ejegi explains how to set up Kotlin Multiplatform with Koin dependency injection, to simplify adopting shared features across Android and iOS apps.

Overcoming the Challenges of Working With a Mobile FinTech API

Andela community member Zzwia Raymond explores why, despite the potential of the MTN Mobile Money platform and its API, there are technical hurdles, from complex documentation to enhancing functionality.

Cancel Asynchronous React App Requests with AbortController

In this Writer's Room blog, Adam Labaran explores how to manage asynchronous requests and boost React app performance with the AbortController web API.

Advance your career in: Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has emerged as the critical catalyst for digital transformation – and as a result, the demand for skilled cloud computing professionals keeps growing. Read our tips for how you can advance your career in this innovative technology.

Closing the skills gap: My quest to master user research

The ability to upskill and reskill is essential for any technologist. In this Writer's Room blog, Andela community member Eseleose Ughulu reveals how conquering her skills gap in user research transformed her career.

How Andela's all-female learning program in Lagos is still transforming careers ten years on

In 2014, we launched an all-female cohort in Lagos, Nigeria, to train women in software engineering and development. We spoke to three of the trailblazing women from cohort 4 to find out how the program still inspires their technology careers 10 years later.

Writer's Room: 5 tips for technical writing

Are you a technologist craving to share your work with the world? Then turn your technical project into a blog with our 5 top tips for technical writing.

The million-dollar challenge: 5 soft skills for virtual meeting success!

As a remote worker, it takes skill and expertise to successfully navigate online collaboration. In this Writer's Room blog, Andela community member Chesvic Hillary details the 5 key soft skills he applies in virtual meetings, and how they helped his team to win a million dollar contract.

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