The Senior ReactJS Developer Roadmap

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Calling all ReactJS developers!

Are you a mid-level ReactJS developer looking to upgrade to a senior-level role? Or, are you already a senior developer, seeking to upskill and perfect your craft?

Front-end development is an ever-evolving industry, where programming languages and applications are continuously updated, and new and improved releases hit the market before you've even encountered the last upgrade. With the constant changes, you may find you're struggling to keep up. 

To forge a clear path to a career as a Senior ReactJS Developer, you need a plan of action: from tech training to interpersonal skills, here are the components you need to create your very own ReactJS career roadmap!

Level up

React, a JavaScript library developed by Facebook, is the ultimate tool for front-end developers, enabling the easy creation of fast user interfaces for websites and applications alike. Utilizing ReactJS can improve your own development skills, and many of the world's most organizations view this language as a 's "must have' in job descriptions. ReactJS developers should be hungry to level-up or audit the skills essential to Facebook's prominent JavaScript Library. 

Even as a mid-level or senior-level ReactJS developer, you never stop learning, and a great React developer should be hungry to improve their skills.

Build your ReactJS-specific tech stack 

ReactJS developers are front-end developers who build modern-day UI components to improvise application performance. They leverage their knowledge about JavaScript and HTML and work closely with testers, designers, web designers, and project managers to create a robust and effective application.

Creating your own Senior React Developer 'tech stack' is essential to staying one step ahead of the industry. You could consider including the following:

  1. JavaScript: Considering that ReactJS's foundations are built on JavaScript, this is your first port of call for a programming language to help you grow your career. ReactJS is a JavaScript library that provides a framework for developers to easily create tools and software without having to start from scratch in each iteration. ReactJS delivers a lot of functionality, but you need to have a good understanding of JavaScript and to be able to access its full potential.
  1. Git: Git is an essential tool for storing your projects on GitHub and similar platforms, the ultimate way to share your work with your peers. Necessary skills that aid React development include tracking changes with add, commit, push and pull, branching and merging strategies and handling merge conflicts.
  1. HTML and JSX: React uses an HTML-in-JavaScript syntax called JSX (JavaScript and XML). Experience with both JavaScript and HTML will help you master JSX, and to identify whether bugs in your application are related to JavaScript or to the more specific domain of React. 
  1. ES6: ES6 is a standard implemented by JavaScript, and it describes all the rules and guidelines that a Javascript implementation should have. There are several JavaScript standards that you need to learn to become a Senior ReactJS Developer, and it will make it much easier to get that promotion if you master ES6 syntax! 
  1. Redux: Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It allows you to write applications that behave consistently, run them in different environments, and to test them easily. It also offers a great user experience, with live code editing combined with a time traveling debugger. You can use Redux together with ReactJS, which makes it an essential tool for any ReactJS developer.

Here are some additional technical skills that will also help you on the road to becoming a Senior ReactJS developer:

  • UX design
  • Design thinking
  • Web security and scalability
  • Third-party libraries
  • Web application architecture
  • State management (Redux)
  • Testing frameworks (Enzyme, Jest, Karma, Mocha, Jasmine, etc)
  • Web application architecture
  • Advanced styling (CSS Modules, Styled Components)

Sharpen those interpersonal skills too!

To take that next step to a Senior ReactJS Developer promotion, you can't just focus on upskilling your tech knowledge - you also need to sharpen your interpersonal skills. Senior developer roles demand elements of leadership, project management and the ability to present to high-level management, and manage expectations from clients and stakeholders. You also need to excel at time management, avoid burnout and embrace collaboration!

At Andela, we've already created some blog resources to help you perfect these interpersonal skills!

Discover how to master time management

Read these tips to avoid burnout

Learn the importance of collaboration 

Solve the problem and keep researching

Becoming a Senior ReactJS developer requires thinking on your feet, and being prepared for every eventuality. And when it comes to perfecting coding and programming language issues, the main ingredient is to practice, practice, and practice some more!

Are you taking part in any open source projects that require some urgent fixes, or have you noticed any bugs in code at your workplace? Take the lead and solve the problem yourself. Not only will you be helping your team, but it will improve your own knowledge and build your confidence, which you can bring into your next role.

Don't forget to keep reading and researching ReactJS. Make sure you're aware of any new updates and keep sharpening your knowledge.

Take that next step

Every Senior ReactJS Developer's roadmap is different but, essentially, all roads must lead to a new and improved role! 

If you feel ready to take the plunge to upgrade your career level, sharpening your interpersonal skills, expanding your tech stack, and taking responsibility for your work are simple, ongoing actions that can help you grow your career.

Are you looking to learn some new skills? Then check out Andela's Learning Community where you can find courses and educational opportunities at every stage of your career.

Or are you ready for your next challenge? If so, say hello to Andela. We match thousands of talented technologists to their dream remote jobs, at some of the world's most exciting organizations. Find out more here.

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